Guest at Healthy Places Research Group show a PowerPoint.

What Are Healthy Places?

What Are Healthy Places?

"Healthy Places" is a term that can refer to buildings, parks, neighborhoods, and even entire metropolitan areas. It explores and evaluates how we can develop, design, and build places that promote good health, support community values, and restore vitality to communities.

What Is the Healthy Places Research Group?

The Healthy Places Research Group (HPRG), formed in 2003, is a collaborative effort of individuals interested in exploring the relationship between health and the built environment. The HPRG meets once a month from September to May to discuss issues, exchange information, and hear presentations pertaining to health policy, impacts, and the built environment.

The Group includes individuals from:

  • Center for Quality Growth and Regional Development (CQGRD)
  • School of City and Regional Planning at the Georgia Institute of Technology
  • Rollins School of Public Health at Emory University
  • Institute of Public Health at Georgia State University
  • Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)
  • Local and state public health officials, community leaders, and interested residents

The contributions of this innovative program were recognized by PEDS in 2004 and 2005 with the Golden Shoe Award for work that makes the Atlanta region a better place to walk.

Participation is open to anyone interested in exploring the characteristics and advancement of healthy places. To learn more about HPRG or to join the HPRG mailing list, email


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